- 1. Skills and testing criteria
- 2. IS THAT YOURS? MINE? OR HERS… (No, that´s his coat) ¿Es esto tuyo? Mio? O de ella…
- 2.1. Possessive adjectives (feedback) (Retroalimentación de adjetivos posesivos)
- 2.2. – Activity 01
- 2.3. – Activity 02
- 2.4. The past progressive (El pasado progresivo)
- 2.4 – Past Progressive (Past Continuous)
- 2.4 – Form (formas de conjugación)
- 2.4 – Exceptions in Spelling (excepciones en pronunciación)
- 2.4 – Use of Past Progressive (Usos del pasado progresivo)
- 2.4.1. Clothing vocabulary; what were you wearing? (vocabulario – prendas de vestir)
- 2.4.2. – Activity 03
- 2.5. – Activity 04
- 3. Bibliography and webgraphy
2. IS THAT YOURS? MINE? OR HERS… (No, that´s his coat) ¿Es esto tuyo? Mio? O de ella…
2.4. The past progressive (El pasado progresivo)
Use of Past Progressive (Usos del pasado progresivo)

- Puts emphasis on the course of an action in the past (énfasis en solo la acción). Example:
He was playing football.
- Two actions happening at the same time (in the past) (dos acciones al tiempo). Example:
While she was preparing dinner, he was washing the dishes.
- Action going on at a certain time in the past (acción que ocurria en cierto momento del pasado). Example:
When I was having breakfast, the phone suddenly rang.