Topic 1. Experience.
  • You can use the present perfect to describe your experience. 
  • It is like saying, «I have the experience of…» You can also use this tense to say that you have never had a certain experience. 
  • The present perfect is NOT used to describe a specific event.

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  • have been to France.
    This sentence means that you have had the experience of being in France. Maybe you have been there once, or several times.
  • have been to France three times.
    You can add the number of times at the end of the sentence.
  • have never been to France.
    This sentence means that you have not had the experience of going to France.
  • I think I have seen that movie before.
  • He has never traveled by train.
  • Joan has studied two foreign languages.
  • A: Have you ever met him?
    B: No, I have not met him.