INTERMEDIATE ENGLISH COURSE - LEVEL 8Display table of contents 1. Skills and Testing Criterias 2 There was a time 2.1 Regular Verbs (Verbos Regulares) 2.1.1. When do we add the ending ED and D to the regular verbs? 2.2. Irregular Verbs (Verbos irregulares) 2.3 Differences between regular and irregular verbs 2.3 – Actividad 01 2.4.1. Adjetives comparatives and superlatives 2.4.2. Adjectives in superlative degree 2.4.3. How regular comparatives and superlatives are formed 2.4. – Actividad 02 3. Bibliographyand webgraphy 2. There was a time.Activity 1. Please, click on the video below about the story “The selfish giant”, then download the following file, develop the corresponding activities and upload it to the platform with your name. Download Annexes Anterior Siguiente