- 1. Skills and Testing Criterias
- 2. What does she look like? Is she beautiful? 01
- 2. What does she look like? Is she beautiful? 02
- 2. What does she look like? Is she beautiful? 03
- 2.1. Some concepts to remember and use when we talk about people´s appearance 01
- 2.1. Some concepts to remember and use when we talk about people´s appearance 02
- 2.1. Some concepts to remember and use when we talk about people’s appearance 03
- 2.1. Some concepts to remember and use when we talk about people’s appearance 04
- 2.1. Some concepts to remember and use when we talk about people’s appearance 05
- 2.1. Some concepts to remember and use when we talk about people’s appearance 06
- 2.2. Work Class
- 2.3. Reading and comprehension
- 3. Bibliography and Webgraphy
2. What does she look like? Is she beautiful?
- Look at the image below and locate the following parts of the HUMAN BODY.
Acerque el mouse a la imagen para ver más de cerca cada parte del cuerpo.

- Neck
- Shoulders
- Navel
- Hair
- Face
- Eyes
- Lashes
- Elbow
- Foot
- Wrist
- Leg
- Ankle
- Palm
- Breast
- Mouth
- Toes
- Back
- Knee
- Nails
- Calves
- Arm
- Hand
Next, download the image and locate the body parts, then load it underneath.