2.1. Words for description (¿cómo describirnos?)
  • Adjectives are elemental and necessary when describing people, they are special words we use to talk about physical appearance, conditions, emotions, colours, body type, weather, temperature, size and more…
  • When we describe a person; we talk about the eye colour, the abilities that person has, the genre he or she is and all that makes us different as human beings that we are.
  • Example: Paulina is a blonde girl; she has long wavy hair and her personality is really amazing!
  • El uso de los adjetivos es necesario para poder identificar las características que nos hacen diferentes a todos los seres humanos y también animales, objetos o cosas; a continuación, encontrarás en el video un sin número de expresiones referentes a los adjetivos en idioma inglés.